Angela recently released an EP called Making Melodies (Vocals and Instrumentals). The songs are written by Angela and the vocals performed by Joanna Melas. They are inspirational, the music beautiful, the style elegant and they bring your thoughts into focus on God. The songs will move you to identify, participate and be inspired to respond lovingly to God, your heart fascinated with the One Who created the universe.
The songs For You've Touched Me and Hold Me have been written from Angela's heart. She is passionate in her love of music, composition and her faith in God and has captured her experiences and combined these three passions into the CD. It is her desire to transport the listeners into the presence of the Spirit of God. Angela has meticulously crafted these arrangements along with Phil Tweed (recording engineer/co-producer) and Joanna Melas (vocalist/co-producer) to highlight the depth of worship. These songs evoke a sence of intimacy with the Lord. To everyone who is hungering after God, the songs will prepare them for a beautiful time of worship.
Angela writes: “The songs For You've Touched Me and Hold Me represent and express how I came into an awakening of God in my heart and life.
I grew up in Malaysia where there were many different cultures and each culture generally had its own religion. I was born into a Chinese family where my father called himself a free thinker while the majority of Chinese Malaysians were Buddhists. When I was 12 years of age I wanted to know what would happen to me if I died the next day and in my search, I decided to pray, 'If there is a God and You exist, please show Yourself to me'. At the age of 13, I had an encounter which changed my life - my experience was like that of swimming in the ocean - total refreshment.
I've summed up the Christian Gospel in a song called Hold Me. When I became a Christian I felt like I had a Father I could talk to and run to. It brings me back into a relationship with Father God for eternity, which is the good news of the Gospel. That's why I finished Hold Me with 'Father of Light' because He puts hope, love, security and comfort back into my heart. He is the Light at the end of the tunnel.
You get more of what you focus on. These inspired songs will bring you into focus with God, the Creator of the universe".
This CD Making Melodies (Vocals and Instrumentals) also includes two bonus backing tracks to the vocal and instrumental songs. The songs on the CD are available for use in corporate worship in the church and private worship at home. Music sheets of the songs are also available.
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